Friday, October 8, 2010

My eating habits...

have immensely changed here.

Back at home, I would have never been able to finish a foot-long Subway sandwich or Lee's Sandwich. Half a sandwich is waaaaay good enough for me. I order Happy Meals at McDonald's and I'm totally satisfied. I could eat a bowl of cereal for dinner and be okay. I never, ever finish everything on my plate.

Here on the other hand, I am starving every second of the day. I think it's because of all the walking? My stomach has grown a lot and there is much more that can fit and much more that it wants. I think this is so because when I first came here, I would eat out all the time. In France, they don't do "doggy-bags" so you it's polite that you finish everything on your plate, like normal people do anyways. And also, the food is so expensive, that you really can't let it go to waste. Also, there are just too many delicious things everywhere! Baguettes (I could eat one whole long one in one sitting!), eclairs, macaroons, pain aux nutella (my person fav mmmm), crepes, and much more! To add to that, my brother and David just sent me FOUR bags of hot cheetos in which I devour in the wee hours of the night. 

Le sigh, I know I'm gaining weight. I'm not saying that I'm fat. And trying to make you tell me, "Noo, you're so skinny." But I am feeling very blah-by (blobby hahaha get it?!) because I can't even run it off. I didn't bring my running shoes and I'm not about to pay for some. Seriously considering running in my chucks next week though. We'll see.

Nonetheless, my eating habits have immensely changed here, and my mama would be real proud of me.

1 comment:

  1. shoes=shows in France how interesting...damn those boys stole my idea hahah :)
